Thursday 4 November 2010

Leftover Hallowe'en spirit

Here's a piece I had hoped to finish in time for an Illustration Friday challenge, on the theme of "Spooky." The deadline came and went, while this piece languished in the "someday, sometime," folder. Well, the day and time has come, and late is better than never! So, here is a pumpkin spirit, seeking its higher calling.

This illustration began life as a pencil sketch, then was scanned into photoshop, where it made acquaintance with color and texture. They got along famously.

Thanks for stopping by.
© Chris Chuckry


Robert Pasternak said...

super cool. It's like he's leaving halloween untill next time. Glad you got it done even after the fact. The spirit was still there.

Chris Chuckry said...

Thanks again! I see spirits everywhere. ;-)

greg oakes said...

BOO!!! ;)

word verification: modervin

this is a very 'modervin' pumpkin ghost! ;) seriously, i love that this looks like a traditional watercolour; beautifully rendered!! :)